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Mittwoch, 8. April 2009

Guter Rat für Junior-Planner

Leon Phang, Planner bei Jung von Matt in Stockholm, hat auf seinem Blog eine inspirierende Reihe von elf Interviews mit gestandenen Planern rund um den Globus veröffentlicht.
Eine tolle und notwendige Idee, die es bis in die Twittermeldungen von PSFK.com geschafft hat (da habe ich den Link her).

Die Interviews gibt es hier: http://tinyurl.com/d3rgxb

Meine Lieblingszitate in den Interviews waren:

(Victoria Kaulback is Brand Planning Director at Y&R New York)

"Don't get too hung up about brands. They're not that complicated."
(Russell Davies is founder of Open Intelligence Agency, former Global Brand Manager of Nike and former Planning Director at Wieden + Kennedy)

"Don’t think in advertising - but in solutions.
Talk to people. Get out there into life. And connect with real people - they might have interesting stuff to say and have quite a different perspective on life, brands and communications."
(Nina Rieke is Senior planner and founder of Burobraun, and former Senior planner at Springer & Jacoby and Jung von Matt)

"We're smart enough to help clients solve the problems. It gets us and our agencies deeper into the clients business, and makes us more valuable than last week's headline copy. Just a thought."
(Aki Spicer is Planning Director at Fallon Worldwide)

"Reading is for awesome people."
(Faris Yakob is EVP Chief Technology Strategist at McCann Erickson and of Author of The Age of Conversation.)

Be global -This is quite a simple one.
(Pete Heskett is South-East Asia Planning Director at JWT and former Head of Planning at BBH China )

Lastly, don't get caught up in a classic planning trap of trying to prove you are the smartest person in the room. It's actually the worst thing you can do. Instead, learn how to make the people responsible for bringing good ideas to life in the world feel like the smartest people in the room. It will go a lot further to getting great ideas off the board and into action and everyone will still recognise the great value you bring to each and every assignment.
(Paul Isakson is Director of Strategy & Insights at space150)


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