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Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

Pandemic 1.0 - And the Question of Transmedia Documentation

Yesterday I read about Pandemic 1.0 on psfk.com. It is a transmedia experience by Lance Weiler that took place during the sundance film-festival.

Basically players following the storyline had 120hrs to stop a global pandemic.

This Video gives a glimpse on this interesting experience:


While watching the video I thought about something that Jan Noel Thon told me a couple of days ago.

Jan is a media researcher at the University of Mainz and co-hosting the Storyworlds Conference in June.

We were discussing our views on transmedia and he told me about the importance to document transmedia experiences properly. Many transmedia experiences / alternate reality games only exist during a specific time frame. And without a documentation it is nearly impossible to use them for research or education.

I agree with him.

Since I visited screenwriting school I have been so grateful that it is possible to get a lot of famous movie scripts from the web - to analyse and learn from them. Like on scriptorama. Sadly I have not found something like scriptorama for transmedia stories.

So I call on us transmedia designers and thinkers to share our scripts after the story has been told. Let's make them open-source to learn an do more.

Posted via email from creative*glasses

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